Data protection

Privacy policy


The protection of your personal data during the entire application process is an important concern for us.

We, Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH, are the responsible body in terms of data protection law. German data protection law applies.

Please read the following information carefully. By ticking the box next to the consent to the data protection declaration in your application form, you agree to the collection, processing and use of your personal data by our company as described here.

If you do not agree to the aforementioned data protection declaration, it is unfortunately not possible for you to apply to us.


1) Contact person for questions or requests for information

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding data protection or the processing of your personal data, please contact the Managing Director Petra Lohmüller.



2) Personal data and purpose limitation

The subject of data protection is personal data (Art. 4 Nr. 2 DSGVO). This is individual information about personal or factual circumstances, such as name, address, e-mail address or telephone number, which you provide to us as part of the application process:

  • Personal master data (e.g. applicant name, address, date of birth)
  • Communication data (e.g. telephone, e-mail)
  • Data from the applicant’s CV (e.g. professional career, sideline activities, leisure activities)
  • References
  • Results of selection procedures (e.g. tests, interviews, role plays, presentations)
  • Process data (e.g. status, appointments)


Your personal data will only be stored and used electronically for the purpose of processing your application. If you receive an acceptance from us, we will of course need your data beyond the application phase. In this case, the data protection information for students applies.


3) Legal basis

The processing of your personal data is lawful pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a. GDPR, as you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes before completing the application.


4) Consent to processing and use

You agree that employees of Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH may have access to your personal data during the application process. Your data will only be used by a limited group of users. Your personal data will not be passed on to third parties in any form by us or by persons commissioned by us, unless we are obliged to pass it on due to mandatory legal regulations (e.g. to state institutions).


5) Storage and deletion of data

The general statutory retention and deletion periods apply. We will delete your data in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions after completion of the respective application process.

Access and use of your personal data by our company is then no longer possible.


6) Data transfer to third countries

Data is not transferred to third countries.


7) Right of access and rectification, right of revocation

You have the right to update the personal data provided by you at any time by notifying the recipient or to request deletion. You can decide for yourself what information you provide to us. Fields marked with an * are mandatory fields that we require for the application process. Fields not marked with an * can be filled in voluntarily. You are responsible for all content of your online application, such as photos, and must ensure compliance with legal requirements, such as trademark, copyright, personality or other third-party rights.

You have the right to data portability and the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority.

You are entitled to withdraw your consent to the use of personal data at any time.

To do so, please get in touch with the contact person named in the application process.


8) Obligation to provide data

If you do not provide us with the mandatory data described in the previous section, it will unfortunately not be possible for you to apply to us.


9) Security

Data protection and data security are our top priority. We therefore use various technical and organizational security measures to protect your data from accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized third parties.


10) Use of cookies

Cookies are used as part of your online application. The use of these cookies means that neither personal data is stored nor linked to your personal user data. Cookies are small text files that are sent from our web server to your PC and are usually stored on your hard disk. They do not become part of your system and cannot cause any damage. Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically.


Status: February 15, 2024




Online Event

"Digitalisierung im Personalmanagement"

In diesem Webinar geben wir einen Einblick, wie Sie Prozesse im Personalmanagement digital gestalten, damit Sie sich mehr auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren können.

Name der Veranstaltung: Digitalisierung im Personalmanagement

Beginn: 15. Februar 2024 um 10:00
Ende: 15. Februar 2024 um 11:30
Ort der Veranstaltung: online

Preis der Veranstaltung: kostenlos

Begrüßung und Vorstellung
Prozesse mit PINN einfach beschreiben

Wie Sie mit der Methode PINN Abläufe leicht aufnehmen, beschreiben und verbessern können

Sebastian Jenensch
Best Practice für modernes digitales Arbeiten im Personalmanagement

Am Beispiel des Mitarbeiter-Onboarding wird die Prozessautomatisierung in Personio demonstriert

Celine Kratzke
Qualifizierung von Personal im Themenkomplex Prozessmanagement, Organisationsentwicklung und Digitalisierung

Best Practice von der Auswahl der richtigen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter über die Qualifizierung bis hin zur aktiven Begleitung in der Praxis

Dr. Bertram Lohmüller
