Training & Consulting for the World of Tomorrow


IMLead® Concept

The IMLead® Heptathlon Management Concept

Business processes

What are the organisational challenges to operate successfully in the market? What tools can be used to create a culture for change? How can the hidden potential in the company be raised to generate new products, services and business models?

To help companies successfully master these challenges, the Export Academy has developed the heptathlon management concept IMLead® Integrated Management & Leadership. The seven elements of the heptathlon are listed below:



  1. The Manager: The manager with his or her leadership competences is in the centre. This person leads the company, company units and/or teams.
  2. The People: Employees with their competences are the most important resource in the company — they must be actively involved and promoted. This also includes working in partnership with business partners and customers.
  3. The Information: With digital data management, external information (market data, personal data, environmental data) and internal information (data from processes, product data, data from infrastructure) must be collected, analysed and managed.
  4. The Future: Digital innovations, new technologies and business models are used to meet current and future market requirements. To do this, it is necessary to raise and activate the hidden innovation potential in the company.
  5. The Processes: Suitable production and business processes must be established for managing the company and for manufacturing products and services. Nowadays, process management is closely linked to digital applications such as the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence.
  6. The Agility: rapid changes in the framework conditions in the market and in society mean that products, services and processes are constantly being improved and developed. Agility and change management skills are important for this.
  7. The Finances and Integrated Thinking and Acting: Finally, all activities must be financed and linked within the framework of integrated management.
    It is important to know the mutual influence of the seven management points and to take them into account in making decisions.

Implementation of the IMLead® Concept in the Company

The implementation of the IMLead® concept in the company takes place in systematic steps with clear targets and results. Comprehensive tools and checklists have been developed for this purpose. With the establishment of a corporate leadership academy and the implementation of concrete practical projects, a new culture of innovation is created in the company.

If you want to manage your company according to IMLead model, we are happy to consult you. You can also get the relevant tips for effective implementation of the model in the format of compact training. Contact us through the contact form or personally:


Prof. Bertram Lohmüller Ph.D.
Tel: 07071/5499921

The IMLead® Heptathlon Management Concept

IMLead® Methodology

IMLead® Technology Transfer Cycle

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Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH