Training & Consulting for the World of Tomorrow

New Markets

why imlead®?

Are you planning to position your products and services in new markets or increase your market penetration in selected target markets? With our IMLead® concept we generate sustainable company growth and tailor all actions individually to your company.

With our international partner network, we support you in the implementation on site. Our clients appreciate our expertise, which is reflected in over 250 successfully implemented international marketing strategies and growth programs over the last 12 years.


Africa, the region of the future!

Africa has the world’s strongest population growth. While 1.3 billion people live on the continent today, this figure is expected to double to 2.5 billion by 2050. Economic output is growing even faster than the population. In Sub-Saharan Africa in particular, growth rates of around five percent per year are the norm. Almost two-thirds of the world’s unused potential agricultural land is located in Africa. In addition, there are large deposits of raw materials, including lithium and cobalt. Africa is also the region with the highest start-up growth worldwide. The second largest tropical rainforests after the Amazon are also located in Central Africa and are important CO2 reservoirs.

Together with regional partners, we are developing green industrialisation projects along the entire green hydrogen value chain for the sustainable development of African regions. One focus is on Southern Africa. Projects include the establishment of special economic zones, green data centres, jungle reserves, battery production, sustainable construction, bio-economy, circular economy and waste-to-energy processes, as well as the production of green steel, green chemicals and synthetic fuels.

There are centres of excellence for green technology transfer in Arandis (Namibia), Cape Town (South Africa) and Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo).


India, the growth market of tomorrow!


According to UN estimates, India will have a population of almost 1.5 billion in just a few years and will become the largest nation on earth. IWF forecasts predict that India will become the world’s third-largest economy in 2026, behind China and the USA – ahead of Japan and Germany. India is a leader in the IT industry, where several million IT experts work, especially in the high-tech centers of Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune. India also has more stock-listed companies than any other country. Large infrastructure projects and investments in green technologies offer good opportunities for cooperation projects.
We have been present in India since 2011 with the organizations 2Е Knowledge Ventures Pvt Ltd, Indo Euro Synchronization and Ivory Education. There, training programs and green technology projects are implemented in the areas of green hydrogen, battery production, electric charging stations, biogas, circular economy and CO2 consulting.
Centers of Excellence for green technologies and digitalization are located in Hyderabad and Delhi.


Latin America, an economic region on the rise!

The South American free trade zone Mercosur unites 260 million inhabitants of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. Brazil is the largest, most populous and economically strongest country in Latin America, followed by Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Peru. These five countries are among the 50 largest economies in the world. Latin America has important raw materials, good universities and, with the Amazon, the largest and most species-rich forest on earth. Mexico, with its nearly 130 million inhabitants, is one of the most industrialized countries in Latin America. Mexico is very well positioned with the EU Global Agreement and duty-free access to the US market through the USMCA free trade agreement.
Since 1989, there has been an Export-Akademie in La Plata, Argentina. This is located at the Universidad de La Plata – Escuela de Postgrado de Marketing Internacional. In Brazil, the organization digitALE, DIGITALE DUO BR SOLUTIONS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES in Curitiba supports. There are further partners in Brazil, Chile and Mexico. Together with industrial partners, projects are implemented in the following areas: green hydrogen, green data centers, protected zones for virgin forest regions, infrastructure development, sustainable construction, bioeconomy, circular economy and waste to energy processes.
Our Center of Excellence for Green Technologies is located at the Export-Akademie in La Plata.

Central Asia

Central Asia comprises the five countries Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, home to around 68 million people. Some definitions also include the following countries: Afghanistan, Mongolia, eastern Iran, northern Pakistan, Kashmir, Jammu, Xinjiang, Tibet, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Uzbekistan has the most inhabitants with over 30 million people. It is followed by Kazakhstan with 17.7 million inhabitants, which is the largest of these five countries with 2.7 million square kilometres (population density 6.5 people per square kilometre). Tajikistan has about 8 million people, Turkmenistan 6.7 and Kyrgyzstan 5.5 million.
The most important economic union is the Eurasian Economic Union, consisting of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia with almost 183 million inhabitants. There will be major investments in the coming years in the field of green technologies, such as sustainable agriculture, green energy, machinery and vehicle manufacturing, digitalisation and the health industry. They are also important transit countries for global flows of goods from Asia to Europe.
Since the Export-Akademie was founded in 1983, numerous projects and training programmes have been implemented in Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia. Our regular partners include the Independent Consulting Group Association of Transport Organisations in Uzbekistan and ABNTime in Kazakhstan, as well as more than 50 other companies and organisations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Green projects exist in the areas of digitalization, bioeconomy and transformation of companies according to ESG criteria. We are currently developing a project to produce environmentally friendly green hydrogen. Consulting projects on carbon footprint reduction and analysis of corporate CO2 emissions are carried out in various industries. The main focus is on the transformation of steel mills to green steel production and energy production from waste.
Centers of Excellence exist in many regions of the Central Asian region. These centers of Excellence have different core areas each focused on the specific challenges in the regions.

On-site support and implementation


The conception of a go-to-market strategy comprises the following building blocks:

- Assessment of the competitive environment and market situation
- Market analysis: evaluation of supply and demand for your products and services in the target market
- Preliminary evaluation of market potential in the selected business areas
- Competitive and customer analysis
- Analysis of the market volume
- Information on current wage and labor costs
- Country-specific characteristics including cultural aspects
- Fixing of the marketing mix
- Competence system for the international business and implementing of qualification programs
- Identification of potential partners in the country

Partner Research

The identification of a suitable local business partner includes the following activities:

- Market research in the target region and identification of potential partner companies
- Initial contact with a potential partner
- Review of the economic performance of the potential partner companies

Business Missions

The preparation, implementation and follow-up of a business initiation trip requires professional guidance:

- Formulation of the objectives of the planned business trip
- Preparation with online coaching and online training
- Conception of a company-specific program in Germany with business meetings, trade fair visits and management trainings
- Cultural programme (on request)
- Support with visa applications
- Internationally recognized certificate from Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg

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Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH