Training & Consulting for the World of Tomorrow


About GreenIMLead®

Carbon Management

“We make Carbon Management simple and visible”

CO2 management in real time with our GreenIMLead® software solution supports companies in recording and visualising their CO2 footprint across the entire value chain. Savings potentials for reducing the CO2 footprint are derived from this.
Together with our customers, we have identified savings potential for reducing the CO2 footprint and how it can be activated with concrete organizational and technical measures. In addition to the emission reduction achieved, you can purchase voluntary CO2 certificates via our trading platform and the remaining CO2 emissions can be offset.

Our consulting starts with the emission sources in production and distribution (Scope 1 and 2). In a further step, CO2 sources in raw material development and procurement as well as in use and customer service are recorded (Scope 3).

The EU’s Carbon Border Tax Will Redefine Global Value Chains!


The EU border tax is to be fully implemented by January 2026. It will have a particular impact on costs for carbon-intensive feedstocks such as steel, cement, aluminum, chemicals and electricity. EU importers and non-EU producers will then pay an estimated €75 per ton of CO2 emissions. Companies are thus required to get prepared today in order to shape the future:

Quantify how the carbon border tax will impact your company across the value chain in regard to revenue, cost, and assets.

Examine the carbon footprint by product line to evaluate the relative exposure for your business, industry, and competitors.

Determine a set of actions that your company can take to mitigate risks, lower costs, and gain advantage in the new competitive environment.

Establish priorities and “no regret” moves to strengthen carbon compliance, such as preparing for new reporting requirements.

Create a playbook of scenarios and align the leadership team on which actions to take under which conditions.

While time allows, assemble evidence to inform the forthcoming legislative debate.

About GreenMLA®

ESG Screening

ESG criteria for environmental factors (Environment), social aspects (Social) and corporate management (Governance)

How can medium-sized and large companies comprehensively reflect on the sustainability of their organisation and better position their business activities in the market? With the help of the scientific comparative ESG screening GreenMLA®, the sustainability of their products, services, processes and organisation/management concept is evaluated in an anonymous comparison and concrete recommendations for action to improve their sustainability performance are identified.

GreenMLA® Maturity Model

ESG criteria for environmental factors (Environment), social aspects (Social) and corporate governance show how sustainable a company is. The GreenMLA® methodology links the three ESG criteria with the seven areas of our IMLead® Heptathlon concept for Integrated Management & Leadership. This reflects individual ESG performance of 21 management areas in total.

The Green Management & Leadership Assessment supports companies in positioning themselves in the corporate ranking as a green company. A sustainability performance is calculated for each company, showing how well-performing a company is in comparison to participating companies.

Customers are increasingly taking ESG criteria into account making their purchasing decisions. They want to know what kind of companies they are doing business with. Companies can promote themselves with the GreenMLA® signet and an award as a company in the top 3 or as a winner in the annual benchmarking competition.

ESG criteria are increasingly important decision-making factors for investors to evaluate companies in terms of sustainability-related opportunities and risks. The individualized benchmarking report is scientifically based and proof of corporate sustainability.

Future oriented companies are sustainable companies. The individualized benchmarking report provides participating companies with concrete recommendations for action to position themselves as sustainable companies.

For a holistic ESG screening, we have developed the GreenMLA®


Green Hydrogen

The flexible energy carrier is indispensable for the energy transition and opens up new markets.

To decarbonise the energy supply of the future, we are working with leading technology companies, infrastructure companies and governments. We believe that with the right investment projects, hydrogen is the alternative to fossil fuels. This is because hydrogenis variously applicable. It can be used in fuel cells in medium to heavy land transport and use in aviation and shipping using hydrogen-based e-fuels is possible. Hydrogen can be used to produce fertiliser from exhaust gases, and power-to-X processes can be used to produce important raw materials such as green methanol for the chemical industry.


terawatt hours

the demand for hydrogen in Germany could increase by 2050 according to the current forecast.

Hydrogen is a chemical element with the symbol H (for Latin hydrogenium “water producer”). Hydrogen is the most common chemical element in the universe. It is a component of water and most organic compounds; in particular, it can be found in all living organisms.

Hydrogen is the lightest of the chemical elements, the most common isotope consists of only one proton and one electron and is called protium. On Earth, this atomic hydrogen does not occur, instead hydrogen is present in the dimerised form, molecular hydrogen H2, a colourless and odourless gas.

Green hydrogen is produced by the electrolysis of water, whereas the production of hydrogen using the electrolysis technology selected is CO2-free, as 100% of the electricity used comes from renewable sources.
In contrast, Grey Hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels. Natural gas is usually split into hydrogen and carbon dioxide (CO2) under heat during production. The CO2 is then emitted unused into the atmosphere and thus reinforces the global greenhouse effect: the production of one tonne of hydrogen produces around 10 tonnes of CO2.

So-called green hydrogen is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity from renewable sources. The cleavage process used is known as hydrogen electrolysis and is a proven technology.

A fuel cell is needed to transform hydrogen into electricity. Energy is generated there by the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen, with only water as a waste product. This energy directly powers an electric motor that drives a vehicle, for example. Surplus energy can be fed back into a power grid or temporarily stored in a battery.

Our experience in project development shows that a technical-economic use of green hydrogen is only possible if the entire value chain is stable – we mean system integration in this case. In addition to securing renewable energy sources and water for electrolysis, the utilisation of hydrogen in further products as well as storage options and transport routes must also be secured.
One main focus is on the development and implementation of regional solutions in emerging countries. Together with German technology partners, regional companies and science partners, we have established Centers of Excellence for “green hydrogen” in Johannesburg (South Africa) and Hyderabad (India). There we build electrolysers for hydrogen production and develop new fields of application for hydrogen engines.

Energy transfer

Waste to Energy

“We make CO2 management simple and visible”

Through integrated management and the intelligent combination of technologies, waste can be sorted efficiently. It is possible to recycle up to 99% of waste streams, including liquid and solid fractions, municipal, industrial and agricultural waste.
To link different material flows and forms of energy, we have designed the concept of integrated waste and energy management. In doing so, we work together with technology leaders. Together with our customers, we design individual solutions. Thereby, we rely only on proven and stable technologies and processes.

Integrated management of circular environmental technologies

© Copyright Bertram Lohmueller 2021

Integrated concept for the production of green hydrogen and green methanol

© Copyright Bertram Lohmueller 2021

This integrated approach also includes green hydrogen and the production of methanol. The methane gas mixture produced in the bioreactor contains up to 50% CO2. This CO2 is filtered out in our industrial process and used to produce green methanol.

IMLead® Concept

IMLead® Technology Transfer

„Technology transfer is our DNA“

Technology transfer is our DNA. In the 18th century, when the regions of Europe with raw material deposits and infrastructure became leading economic centres, the ‘Tüftler’ (tinkerers) in poor Swabia/Baden-Württemberg were successful. A ‘ Schwäbischer Tüftler’ (swabian tinkerer) is someone who likes to try to figure out difficult things by tinkering, trying things out and rethinking. Today, one no longer speaks of tinkering, but of innovation. They were supported in this by Ferdinand von Steinbeis (1807-1893). He was a pioneer for practice-oriented education and technology transfer and still stands for our philosophy today.
With our IMLead® concept, we accelerate the leapfrogging of outdated stages of technological development, and make the latest green technologies available worldwide. In our experience, this is only possible with an integrated approach that adapts existing technological knowledge to the new socio-economic conditions. In doing so, it is necessary to take into account intercultural specificities and to ensure a sustainable transfer of know-how. Cooperation with regional partners, working in innovation clusters and local research and development activities guarantee an efficient and sustainable technology transfer process.

At the beginning, there is always a standard technology that can be adapted and transferred one-to-one to the target market. Based on this, more complex products and processes are then transferred step by step. There are some important points:

  • selection of suitable partners in the target country,
  • agreement on cooperation,
  • linking of the engineering group from Germany and the target country,
  • re-engineering | adaptation of products and processes to the target market,
  • concept for marketing & sales,
  • calculation and pricing for the target market,
  • delivery to the market,
  • assembly and quality control by the technology provider.

IMLead® Technology Transfer Cycle

© Copyright Bertram Lohmueller 2021

The IMLead® Heptathlon Management Concept

© Copyright Bertram Lohmueller 2021

"2|5 Principle"

Green Project Development

As a project developer, we work with leading technology partners and develop green projects around the world together with our global network of organisations, companies and financial partners.

When developing large-scale technical facilities and projects, regional specifics are taken into account and a ‘clear’ business model is applied. We therefore implement our projects according to the ‘2|5 principle’. This means a construction period of 2 years and a break-even after 5 years after commissioning of a plant.

The project initiation and project development phase includes following activities:

  1. Sending a questionaries
  2. Initial workshop
  3. Feasibility study
  4. Connecting with stakeholders such as the municipality, off-takers, and waste stream resources to secure further MOUs
  5. Building a consortia with technology providers and structure of the SPV (Special Purpose Company)

The project implementation phase includes following steps:

  1. Basic engineering (BE)
  2. Application process for environmental impact assessment (EIA) with an already identified environmental assessment practitioner (EAP)
  3. Project company foundation and its capitalization
  4. Purchase of the land for construction plot(s)
  5. Building of the installations incl. delivery, assembly, civil works, construction engineering, commissioning etc.

Benchmarking & Feasibility Studies

Comprehensive knowledge of activities in the market is a crucial success factor – especially information about competitors who are active with you in the same market segment and with the same products. The results of a benchmarking & feasibility study can be used to develop suitable strategies for compete with other market players.

Green future management

Capture of trends in their industry, environment (technology, market trends, customer expectations etc) and validation of technical-economic feasibility

Our offer to you

  • Preparation of customized benchmarking and/or feasibility studies
  • Conducting international benchmarking and identifying best practice
  • Creation of a performance matrix related to the technology, business process or market under investigation
  • Presentation of best practice examples
  • Recommendations, suggestions for action

Scientific support

Scientific partner for the implementation of studies is SUTM Steinbeis Center of Sustainable
Technology and Management GmbH


  1. clarification of the task
  2. literature research (studies and databases)
  3. expert interviews in the company and at institutes, associations
  4. analysis of the results with a specially developed analysis procedure
  5. elaboration of recommendations for action
  6. documentation and writing up of the report
  7. final presentation

In recent years, the Export-Akademie has successfully implemented many benchmarking projects, feasibility studies and scientific analyses for DAX companies.

We would be pleased to hear from you

how to reach us

Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH